Day One
Research FAQ
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Market Research
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Research Consulting
Omnibus Research
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Business 2 Consumer
Business 2 Retailer
Advertising & Communications
Startups & Business Plan
Products & Packaging
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is market research ?
2. How can I have market research conducted ?
3. What does a step-by-step plan for Market research look like at Day One ?
4. What are the different ways to do market research ?
5. What does a market analysis include ?
6. Why do I need a market analysis?
7. How do I determine who my competitors are ?
8. What can I do to distinguish myself from the competition ?
9. What types of competitors are there ?
10. How do you conduct a competition study ?
11. How do I determine what my customers want and need ?
12. How do I know how customers want to be approached ?
13. What information do I need about potential customers ?
14. How can I better anticipate customers needs ?
15. How do I evaluate the impact of strategic decisions ?
16. How can I test a new brand name within current and potential client groups ?
17. How can I test new concepts of logos, slogans, packaging or communication ?
18. How can I effectivity test the impact of our communication campaigns ?
19. How much does a marketing research project cost ?
20. How mucht time does conducting a marketing research project take ?
Did you not find your question ?
Contact us and tell us what you need to know.
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Day One's main services
Market Research
Data Collection
Advice & Consultancy
Research Methodologies
Quantitative research
Qualitative research
Omnibus research
Markets & Target groups
Business 2 Business
Business 2 Consumer
Business 2 Retailer
Market-specific research
Advertising & communication
Startups & Business plan
Products & Packaging
Get in touch :
Day One
Kernenergiestraat 19 bus 232
B2160 Antwerpen
+32 (0) 495 79 29 95